Sending bug report

If you think that you have found a bug in the application please send us a bug report helping us to fix the issue.

Steps to send a report:

  • Reproduce the problem right before sending the report
  • Open application settings
  • Select “Report a problem” menu
  • Select category which describes your problem the best (select “Other” if you don’t know)
  • Describe your problem in the “description” field
  • Click “Send” button

You should see a message “Report has been sent” within a minute which means that the report was accepted by our servers. If you don’t see this message please try again later.


We examine only the reports with a meaningful description.

Sometimes it’s not convenient to write the problem description from your mobile device.

In such a case, you can send a report with just your email in the “description” field and then write an email with the problem description and send it to (stating that you have recently sent a bug report).